The Build And Demolish Destruction Set.


The Build And Demolish Destruction Set.

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This is the award-winning kit that lets young engineers construct an infinite number of buildings before demolishing the structures with a triple-blast detonator. Winner of the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award, the set invites builders to design their own warehouse or factory from more than 50 pieces depicting walls, pipe bridges, smokestacks, and other architectural components. Once the structure is erected, the only thing more fun is to blow it up—which is accomplished in safe yet spectacular fashion by strategically placing three spring-loaded blasters throughout the building. The tethered detonator emits an alarm and warning message to signal the impending destruction. Includes instructional guide with sample building plans and three AA batteries. Ages 8 and up. 15″ H x 15 3/4″ W x 3″ D. (3 1/2 lbs.)

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